Game Design Services

From creating complex, multi-layered economy and progression systems to writing resonating stories and deep world lore. Our game design company offers turnkey design decisions that will convert your idea into a flawless product.


At the heart of each successful game rests an ingenious game design, which requires a comprehensive knowledge base, mastery, and years of experience.

As a game design studio with 10+ years of expertise, our design team boasts an array of versatile designers, each with unique expertise. This allows us to deliver full-cycle video game design services, create games from scratch, and participate in co-development processes of different scales. Committed to keeping abreast of industry innovations and trends, our team always strives to create rich and fulfilling gaming experiences, regardless of the platform or project’s size.



One-Stop Shop for your Game

Our video game design company also provides a wide array of other services and specializes in full-cycle game development. Our services include art direction, concept creation, modeling, 2D and 3D animation, motion capture, technical direction, Unity and Unreal Engine development, VR solutions, and QA testing.

Vast Experience

Established in 2012, N-iX Games has years of experience behind its back, having contributed to numerous innovative indie projects and grandiose triple-A titles. Our game design studio is a trusted partner of Supermassive Games, Paradox Interactive, Tempo Storm, and other eminent game developers. We keep the list of delivered projects and our contribution accessible and transparent, approving publications with customers.

Flexibility & Client-First Approach

We are committed to flexibility when it comes to management methodologies. Our specialists are proficient with Waterfall, Agile, Kanban, Scrum, etc. We can adapt to your specific needs, applying our expertise to boost your processes or adjust to established procedures within your company.


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What kind of games can we design?
As a full-service game design company, we can design a wide range of games, including console & PC games, mobile games and apps, and virtual reality solutions. We can also design games for various genres, such as RPGs, action games, adventure games, puzzle games, and more.
Which game engines do we work with?
We usually use Unreal Engine 4\5, Unity, and occasionally CryEngine for most of our projects. Also, we are flexible in working with new tools and technologies.
What platforms are we proficient with?
We can design and deliver quality games for all the key platforms on the market: PC, modern consoles, mobile devices, and VR.
What is the game design process?
The pipeline of our video game design services typically involves several stages, including conceptualization, prototyping, testing, iteration, and finalization. Our game design company works closely with our clients to understand their vision and goals for the game before going into full development mode.
How long does it take to design a game?
The time it takes to design a game depends on several factors, such as the complexity of the game, the size of the development team, and the scope of the project. Our game design studio will provide an estimated timeline and budget for the project based on the specifics of your project.
How do we ensure the quality of our game design services?
At N-iX Games, we follow industry best practices and leverage modern tools and technologies to ensure the highest quality in our game design services. Our quality assurance processes include thorough testing and continuous feedback loops to refine and perfect game features, ensuring they meet both our standards and your expectations.
Can we collaborate with other studios or developers on a project?
Absolutely. Our video game design company has extensive experience collaborating with other studios and developers. We can adapt our workflows to seamlessly integrate with existing teams and processes, providing the support and expertise needed to achieve your project goals. Whether you need us to take the lead in specific areas or work alongside your in-house team, we are flexible and dedicated to making the collaboration a success.


Let’s start with an in-depth analysis of your idea, a high-level quote, and project plan. Once we smoothen all the rough edges we can proceed to the complete design, development, and production of your game, followed by release and post-release support.

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